Professor of Digital Heritage
School of Innovation and Technology
Stuart studied a combined honours degree in Computer Science and Archaeology at the University of Glasgow and completed his PhD in three dimensional modelling of early medieval sculpted stones there in 2003. His research covers key aspects of digital and critical heritage with a focus on visualisation. Stuart was Co-Investigator for GCRF One Ocean Hub project, Co-Investigator on the AHRC funded Unpath'd Waters Maritime Heritage and Scotland's Rock Art Projects as well as being Co-Director of the HARPS research project on the Isle of Staffa. Previously he has worked with the West of Scotland Archaeology Service and also as Deputy Director at the Archaeology Data Service where he managed a number of major digital heritage research projects funded by JISC, AHRC, the European Union and the NEH. Stuart is a member of the ACHS, ICOMOS, the Institute for Archaeologists and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
Research interests
Digital Heritage, Critical Heritage, Co-Design, Co-Production, Digital Authenticity, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Built Environment, Maritime Heritage, Natural and Cultural Heritage, Heritage and Human Rights, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Creative Response, Audio and Sound in Heritage Contexts.
PGR supervision interests
Stuart is available to supervise PhD topics across the digital and critical heritage domains, with a particular focus on ICH, co-design, community engagement, creative response and affect, as well as digital immersive and AR technologies.
Current PGR students
Shona Noble (1st) Title: “The digital otherworld: accessing place-based folklore through digital space” – GSA PhD Scholarship – Start, Sept 2020
Marly Samuel (1st) Title: “Facilitating community co-design approaches for inter-relationships: supporting action and dialogue engagement between fishery sectors to promote community-led initiatives for sustainable ocean livelihoods in Namibia” GCRF PhD Scholarship (via GSA) – Start, Sept 2020
Elizabeth Roberstson (2nd) (Supervisory team led by Glasgow University) Title: “Immersive sound experiences as a means of heritage interpretation and storytelling at Glencoe” – SGSAH PhD Scholarship – Start, Sept 2020