PhD Coordinator for Fine Art
School of Fine Art
I am a Reader in Gender, Sexuality and Culture at Glasgow School of Art. My research and teaching focuses on the aesthetic and cultural dimensions of feminist, queer and trans practice. I have published widely and curated exhibitions in this area. I hold a PhD (2016) from the Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design.
Research interests
My research and teaching focuses on the aesthetic and cultural dimensions of feminist, queer and trans practice. I am currently finishing a long term project looking at archives of lesbian photography and imaging practices.
PGR supervision interests
Interactions between art, photography, queerness and feminism; Technologies of vision and critical approaches to the body; Creative and critical approaches to archives; Art and politics especially grassroots and activist organising
Current PGR students
Giulia Astesani (Primary Supervisor)
Michael Collazo (Primary Supervisor)
Sing Hang Tam (Co-supervisor)
cevahir ozdogan (Co-supervisor)
Brooke Hailey Hoffert (Co-supervisor)