

Head of School, Mackintosh School of Architecture
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Sally Stewart is an architectural educator and researcher. Having qualified as an architect in 1987 she practiced professionally before becoming a full time academic. She is Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture, having been the Deputy Head since 2011, having previously been filled the posts of Head of Undergraduate Studies and Post Graduate Programme Leader. She was educated at the Mackintosh School graduating with a Master of Architecture in 1986. She was awarded a Readership by the University of Glasgow in 2014, and became Professor of Architectural Education and Practice in 2018. She has been active in the research into and design of environments for the elderly, designing for dementia and inclusive environments, the pedagogy of the architectural studio and creative practice research. Sally has been a external examiner and visiting lecturer in institutions across the UK, Japan and Europe. She is a member of the EAAE council, and project leader for the EAAE Education Academy established in 2015. She has been Principal Investigator for GSA in the ADAPT-r ITN, a four year Initial training netword focused on practice based research and funded through funded through Marie Curie Actions and the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-201 see

Research interests

PGR supervision interests

Current PGR students
