Private Rented Accommodation
If you have decided not to live in the GSA’s Halls of Residence or have not been offered a place, then you may wish to look for accommodation in the private sector. This could mean living on your own, sharing with a number of other students, or rending a room in a landlord's home.
Finding somewhere to live is a combination of hard work, persistence and determination on your part. The private sector accommodation market is currently very challenging across Glasgow, becoming increasingly competitive and expensive in the areas where students tend to live. Students are advised to search the market every day, book as many viewings as possible and be ready to pay the rental deposit when a suitable property becomes available.
Student Welfare are offering Private Accommodation Zoom drop in sessions throughout the Summer to support students looking for private accommodation. Information on GSA Student Halls or the Forres accommodation options can be found here.
The following guides are primarily for those who are new to Glasgow and flat hunting:
- Finding Accommodation Guide
- Renting in Scotland Guide
- Find a Flatmate Form
- Budgeting for the Cost of Living
Rental fraud warning
The National Landlords Association (NLA) is reminding would-be student tenants to be vigilant when looking for somewhere new to liveand to avoid getting scammed. Typical scams trick people into paying an advance fee to rent a property, and in some instances fraudsters use NLA branding or fake letters from NLA Local Representatives in order to add legitimacy to the scam and lure their victims into a false sense of security.
The NLA has produced guidance about avoiding online rental fraud, which you can find here.
Police Scotland have produced an information leaflet on how to avoid rental fraud here.
The GSA Welfare team can offer further help with finding private rented accommodation