Student Support Services
Student Welfare
Our Student Welfare team offer practical support and advice on accommodation, funding and finances, childcare, healthcare, Visa information and support for international students living in the UK, as well as advice for students on the day-to-day practicalities of being a student.
As a student at the GSA, you have access to a wealth of specialist support services that complement and underpin your learning, allowing you to reach your academic and creative potential alongside managing your health and wellbeing.
Fees and Finance
Our welfare team can offer practical advice on a range of issues relating to fees and finance including supporting and providing information to students about GSA Scholarships; support and advice for US students seeking financial support through the US Federal Loan scheme.
Our welfare team can offer advice to students who are struggling to find accommodation in the private sector or who are facing issues with their existing private sector accommodation. They can also provide assistance for students seeking to find a flatmate.
Care Leavers and Care Experienced Students
The Glasgow School of Art wants to ensure that every young person, regardless of their background or social circumstances, who has the ability and aspiration to become an artist, designer or architect or pursue a career in the creative sector, gets an equal chance to do so. If you are at a state secondary school in the West of Scotland, are care experienced and thinking about applying to the GSA, you can participate in our Widening Participation Programme.
As an offer holder or student our welfare team can also support and advise you on funding and financial assistance, accommodation and learning support. To help you navigate your way through the various services, we offer a single point of contact to support you from before you arrive, until after you graduate.
You can find more detailed information about our support for Care Experienced students here.
Student Carers
If you look after a family member or a friend in an unpaid capacity, who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem, or addiction, cannot cope without your support, then we our, please get in touch with Student Support Services to arrange an appointment to discuss your requirements, and to learn about the student support services you can access.
Contact Student Welfare
Please email us at welfare@gsa.ac.uk or telephone us on +44 (0) 141 353 4509 or +44 (0) 141 566 1138.
Learning Support and Development
Many students at the GSA have disability related needs. This could be a specific learning difference such as dyslexia, a social/communication impairment, a physical or sensory impairment, a long term medical condition, or a mental health issue.
If you have accepted an offer on a programme of study at GSA we would encourage you to contact us as early as possible so that we can put in place the support you require for your arrival. If you have a disability, please get in touch with the Service so that we can work with you to explore how your disability might impact on your learning and to ensure that you get the support that you need.
For more information on Learning Support
To get assistance from the team or obtain a Disability Disclosure Form, please email learningsupport@gsa.ac.uk.
Counselling Support
The GSA’s free counselling service offers students the opportunity to talk through personal and troubling issues in a safe and confidential environment with a professional, trained counsellor.
Digital Inclusion
The Glasgow School of Art’s Digital Inclusion Scheme is in place to offer the long-term loan of GSA laptops to students to enable them to study online, where they may be unable to access this equipment otherwise due to financial hardship, digital exclusion, or other relevant circumstances.
The GSA is seeking to support students through the long-term loan of laptops and access to a standard suite of software for the duration of their studies at the GSA. This support is targeted at groups of students who will benefit most from this support and can evidence that requirement. Applications can be made via the online application form, which can be accessed here, or by request via email to digitalinclusion@gsa.ac.uk. Guidelines for application are available here.