Head of Department
Craig Whittet is the Product Design Engineering Head of Department and Programme Leader for the MEng/BEng undergraduate and MSc postgraduate programme. His teaching, research and supervisory interests include: How technology can improve the quality of life, human factors and how these influence the users experience and evaluation of products; Intermodality of future transport systems and scenarios. For example, Craig was involved in the development of the ‘Airport in the City’ concept with leading aeronautical research company, Bauhaus Luftfahrt. This project is a development of the Fascinations 2050 project funded by the Airbus Group and influenced by the European Commission, Report of the High Level Group on Aviation Research - Flightpath 2050.
Recently completed research projects and activities have centred on the ageing population and how human factors, design and technology can improve the quality of life. teleWEAR was an industrial collaboration with Chubb Community Care and Moray Community Health and Social Care Partnership.
APAtSCHE (Aging Population Attitudes to Sensor Controlled Energy) was an EPSRC funded (751k) collaborative research project. Craig was the work package lead responsible for the development of home energy saving technologies concepts for ageing populations. This research project was in collaboration with Strathclyde University and Herriot-Watt University.
Craig is also an advocate for CAD and advanced prototyping and manufacturing. PDE was invited by Autodesk to be one of their Pilot Programmes and craig has presented at the Autodesk University and Autodesk Headquarters in the USA. Part of Craig's involvement with Autodesk also includes PhD supervision of a BCI Headset with colleagues at the University of Glasgow.
Craig has been a scientific reviewer for the International Product Design and Engineering conference, External Examiner at Duncan of Jordanston, Middlesex University, Temasek Polytechnic, academic consultant for the Open University and Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University.
Craig has presented nationally and internationally, invited speaker at a variety of design industry events and has media experience including TV, Radio and Film Documentary.
Craig graduated from Glasgow School of Art with a Master of Design (distinction). He has worked in a variety of Product Design sectors, including: consumer, medical, transportation and furniture. Prior to taking up a role as lecturer in Product Design Engineering, Craig was Design Director of award winning design consultancy, cogntion3D.