Our Staff
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Alastair Macdonald
Senior Researcher School of Design

Patrick Macklin
Deputy Head of the School of Design

Susanne Norregard Nielsen

Fiona Robertson

Aoife McGarrigle
Pathway Tutor M.Litt Print Media, Lithography technician, Team Leader TSD Print

Annette Heyer
Lecturer in Painting and Printmaking

Michael McGraw
Programme Leader, Master of Letters in Fine Art Practice

Ross Sinclair
Professor of Contemporary Art Practice

Clara Ursitti

Justin Carter
Reader in Contemporary Practice - Art & Environment

Peter McCaughey
Lecturer Sculpture and Environmental Art

Shauna McMullan
Lecturer / Researcher

Alan Currall
Lecturer and Researcher

Susan Brind
Lecturer and Researcher

Stuart Bailey

Christina McBride
Lecturer Master of Fine Art (MFA) and Fine Art Photography

Tilo Einert
Stage 3 Leader - Senior Lecturer

Sally Stewart
Head of School, Mackintosh School of Architecture

Johnny Rodger
Professor of Urban Literature

Miranda Webster
Stage 5 leader at MSA

Rosalie Menon
Senior Lecturer

Alan Hooper
MSA Undergraduate Programme Leader

Robert Mantho
Academic Development Lead

Lesley Punton
Head of Fine Art Photography

Anna Gordon
head of department and programme leader, silversmithing and jewellery

Jo Barker
Year 1 Lecturer: BA(Hons) Textiles

Jo Petty
Lecturer in Communication design

Steve Rigley
Undergraduate Programme Leader Communication Design

Brian Cairns
Senior Lecturer / Programme Leader Postgraduate Communication Design

Susan Roan
Lecturer in Communication Design

Ronan Breslin
Lecturer Sound for the Moving Image

Gordon Hush
Head of School

Helen McCormack
Reader in Art and Design History

Edwin Pickstone

Laurence Figgis

Lynn Hynd
Fine Art Lecturer in Paint and Print

Hanneline Visnes

David Sweeney

Nick Walker
Stage 5 Tutor (PT)

Isabel Deakin
Post Graduate Programme Leader

Neil Simpson
M.Arch Urban Design Pathway Leader / studio tutor

Emma Keogh
Lecturer in Communication Design

Eddie Stewart
Lecturer Painting & Printmaking

Stephanie Smith
Lecturer Sculpture Environmental Art / PhD Primary & Secondary Supervisor

Graham Ramsay
Reader in Contemporary Art Practice

Gemma Teal

Graham Lister
Lecturer - Painting and Printmaking

Daisy Abbott
Research Developer

Michael Mersinis
Lecturer in Fine Art Photography

Jenny Brownrigg
Exhibitions Director

Adrian Stewart
Lecturer and Studio Tutor

Craig Mulholland
Lecturer and Researcher.

Filbert Musau
Lecturer, Researcher and Co-Director - MEARU.

Michael Dancer
Lecturer 1st Year Department of Communication Design

Mairi MacKenzie
Research Fellow

Brian Evans
Head of Urbanism

Florian Urban
Head of History of Architecture and Urban Studies (HAUS)

Andrea Taylor
Research Fellow

Elio Caccavale
Reader in Transdisciplinary Design Innovation

Ibrahim Buksh
Lecturer & Lead Artist

Neil Clements

Jim Hamlyn

Francis McKee

Kimberley O'Neill

James Hutchinson

Lynn-Sayers McHattie
Senior Researcher

Kirsty Lees
Stage 4 Leader Mackintosh School of Architecture

Jake Jackson
Year Group Tutor

Chris Wallace
P/T Lecturer Product Design Engineering

Amanda Thomson

Thea Stevens
Academic Development Lead (School of Design) & Academic Coordinator: Interdisciplinarity (School of Design)

Stuart Jeffrey
Professor of Digital Heritage

Dr Madeleine Fiona Sclater
Reader in Art and Design Education and Senior Academic Fellow in Digital Learning

Nicola Jane Siminson
Research Information Manager

Marianne Mcara
Transformation Design Lecturer and Subject Lead

Paul Maguire
Programme Leader, BA (Hons) Interaction Design

Mr Thomas Greenough
Head of International Academic Development

Matthieu Poyade
Programme Leader

Pamela Flanagan
Programme Leader BA Hons Interior Design

Sarah Tripp
Lecturer Fine Art

Janet Kelly

Kirsty Ross
Lecturer and Final Year Coordinator, Department of Product Design, the Innovation School

Mr Mark Charters
Head of Learning, Teaching and Enhancement

Conor Kelly
Lecturer / Programme Leader

Daniel Livingstone

Thomai Pnevmonidou
Programme Leader MDes Interior Design

Katy West
Cross School Courses Academic Coordinator

Giovanna Guidicini
Senior Lecturer in History of Architecture and Urban Studies

Deborah Jackson
Head of Fine Art Critical Studies (FACS)

Fiona Ann Jardine
Lecturer, Design History & Theory

Sneha Raman
Research and Teaching Fellow - Design for Health and Wellbeing

Steve Love
Senior Researcher

Angela Tulloch
Research Associate

Rebecca Phipps
Research Intern

Michael Johnson
Creative Engagement Leadership Fellow

Michelle Kaye
Collections Lead, Archives and Collections

Jay Bradley
Reader in Design Innovation

Michael Stubbs
0.6 Reader in Contemporary Painting

Laura Guy
PhD Coordinator for Fine Art

Chris Hand
Lecturer and subject lead for Interaction Design